REACH法规附件XVII 新增儿童接触产品中铅含量的要求
REACH法规附件XVII条款63,铅限量的要求于2015年4月22日由欧盟委员会法规(EU) 2015/628正式修订,并于次日在欧盟官方公报(Official Journal of the EU)中发布。
此次,针对条款63的修订,要求儿童可入口及可接触产品的铅含量不得高于0.05%,对铅释放量低于0.05 μg/cm2 / hour或0.05 μg/g/h的产品可以豁免,限量将于2016年6月1日开始生效。详细条款请参见下文。
Time Line:
· 2012年12月21日,瑞典递交Annex XV卷宗
· 该限制提案,由风险评估委员会(RAC, Committee for Risk Assessment)于2013年12月10日正式审核通过。>> 详情
· 2013年12月11日-2014年2月14日,SEAC意见接受公众咨询
· 2014年12月3日,欧盟委员会,REACH委员会会议通过该限制条款 >>详情
· 2014年9月25日,欧盟委员会通知WTO该项委员会条例草案>>详情
· 2015年4月22日,委员会法规(EU) 2015/628由欧盟委员会主席Jean Claude-Juncker 正式签署
· 2015年4月23日,欧盟官方公报发布(EU) 2015/628>>官方公报
In Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, column 2 of entry 63 is amended as follows:
REACH法规(Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006)附件XVII第63条第2列修订情况如下:
(1) paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:
(1) 第6段替换如下:
‘6.By 9 October 2017, the Commission shall re-evaluate paragraphs 1 to 5 of this entry in the light of new scientific information, including the availability of alternatives and the migration of lead from the articles referred to in paragraph 1 and, if appropriate, modify this entry accordingly.’ |
(2) the following paragraphs 7 to 10 are added:
(2) 新增以下7-10条:
‘7.Shall not be placed on the market or used in articles supplied to the general public, if the concentration of lead (expressed as metal) in those articles or accessible parts thereof is equal to or greater than 0,05 % by weight, and those articles or accessible parts thereof may, during normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, be placed in the mouth by children. That limit shall not apply where it can be demonstrated that the rate of lead release from such an article or any such accessible part of an article, whether coated or uncoated, does not exceed 0,05 μg/cm2 per hour (equivalent to 0,05 μg/g/h), and, for coated articles, that the coating is sufficient to ensure that this release rate is not exceeded for a period of at least two years of normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use of the article. For the purposes of this paragraph, it is considered that an article or accessible part of an article may be placed in the mouth by children if it is smaller than 5 cm in one dimension or has a detachable or protruding part of that size. |